Sunday, September 30, 2012

Article related to class themes

In this article, Bill McKibben further discusses the issues that arise surrounding the number "350."  More specifically, 350 is the maximum amount of Carbon Dioxide that can be in the atmosphere while still being considered a safe amount.  But our atmosphere already consists of 370 ppm of carbon dioxide, and is only continuing to rise.  In order for this to be resolved, Bill McKibben is calling for society to realize all the things of our social structure that must be resolved to bring this number down.  The first thing that must be done is for America to stop burning fossil fuels.  But this will damage the job market and economy, so green jobs must be created in order to prevent major damage.  Then after America has cut down on fossil fuel use, international action can take place.  America should work out international agreements with foreign countries for them to cut down on fossil fuel use.  Because it is so heavily used, military force may be the only way to stop them.  Monetary bribes would simply be too expensive.  Bill McKibben starts this article addressing the president.  The purpose of this is to show how important this crisis is.  The fact that our atmosphere is above the limit is already showing in the fact that the arctics are melting, and global warming is increasing.  Once things reach a certain point, there is no turning back.  But this has to be a large movement involving essentially the entire world to attempt to balance out the atmosphere we have damaged.

1 comment:

  1. This synthesis was really helpful to read about and Bill McKibben. It provides a lot of information about his organization and their goals. It was also really interesting to read about the effects that carbon dioxide has on the economy, which is not the first factor that I normally think of me. I usually think of the environmental issues, before the effects on the American public and the economy. It was also interesting to read an article written by Bill McKibben, instead of about him and Great post!
